Ever hear the saying, “You go where you look?” It applies to practically any sport that involves steering, from downhill skiing to mountain biking to equestrian riding. So wherever you look – over the edge, toward that lone tree or even into the fence – is exactly where you’ll end up.
The same holds true for all those negative thoughts – the ones you use to steer yourself (and your business). Focusing on the negative draws more negative toward you. Don’t miss this critical opportunity, don’t lose the sale, and whatever you do, DON’T fail! Somehow that’s (magically) exactly what happens.
Call it what you will – law of attraction or good old-fashioned bad attitude – whatever it is drives your outcomes. The trick is looking where you do want to go. Straight down the trail, through that clean line between the trees and into the stables (minus any side trips into the irresistible tall grass).
How to Focus on Creating Positive Outcomes
Look Where You Want to Go – Know where you want to go and FOCUS (like a laser) on going there. Post reminders, break down the steps and complete one each day and keep looking in that direction no matter what!
Put on the Bad Outcome Blinders – Stop the questioning, playing the failure what-if game and thinking about what you don’t want to happen. Don’t let all the potential bad outcomes become a distraction!
Assume the Positive – Pretend like every question, ask, request gets an automatic “Yes”. That’s not to say you will get a guaranteed “Yes” every single time, but if you act like you will get what you want, more often than not, you will. Just remember that every time you don’t ask, you get an automatic “No”.
Watch Out for Negativity Traps – Remember that momentum creates more momentum in that direction – and that hold true for negative outcomes. Don’t turn small setbacks into a negativity trap. Stay focused on your chosen direction.
Create Your Own Luck – Stop waiting for the magical bullet to drop good luck in your lap! If you want good luck, go out there and create it! Action gets results, not wishing.
So where are you going to point your business? Focus on THAT this week!
Great points Carla. One I would add to your list is to reduce spending time with negative people and spend more time with people who have a positive “can-do” mindset. We need to be careful about the mindsets we choose to allow into our space as their thoughts will permeate our space. So we need to choose our company wisely!!!
Try the “Yes, and” approach instead of “No” or “Yes, but.” Telling yourself you can do things and not making everything either/or is a great way to stop your own negative thinking in its tracks.