Running isn’t something I do (almost) every day because I love it (because trust me, I don’t). It’s something I do because I know if I stop I will have a hard time starting again and for me, that’s not acceptable.
Let me explain. When I was younger, I could take an entire season off of exercise and then just jump back into sports with no trouble at all. And then the 4-0 hit and everything changed (boo-hiss) and suddenly, even taking a week off of activity put me back at square one.
With an active daughter and a lot more active living to do, that wasn’t an option. So I decided that I would not, could not, take extended breaks from my running routine. It just wasn’t worth the effort it took to recover from a fitness hiatus.
I knew if I wanted to be able to hike, bike, travel, swim, paddle, and just generally be able to keep up with my active 12-year-old, I had to stay in shape and the easiest way to do that was not skipping out on my trail running routine just because I was feeling tired or achy.
That meant accepting that some days were better than others. It meant allowing myself to run painfully slow if it meant I was still getting out there and running. And it also meant managing pain and injury in order to avoid extended breaks that would set me back.
So when Advil® 12 Hour asked me to share some Keep Moving tips, I was excited because as you know, I have opinions!
Tips on How to Keep Moving
Stay Active No Matter What – Cut short, slow down or change it up, but don’t stop! When body pain has me thinking of skipping my exercise routine, I try low-impact activities like walking, yoga, swimming or biking to keep my momentum going!
Maintain Your Muscles – If you are feeling those twinges, get it checked out! In my experience, a quick visit to a family doctor, or if you prefer, physiotherapist could help prevent any minor injuries from turning into major ones.
Stretch Regularly – I always take the time to properly stretch AFTER activity, never before. I feel that stretching after activity while my muscles are still warm allows me to maintain the proper range of motion, which is critical for keeping moving.
Change It Up – I always give my hard working muscles a break by switching to a different activity from time to time. If you are a runner, switch to biking or swimming. If you play sports, take a break and go for a hike. Whatever you do, just remember to keep moving.
Build a Support Network – Some things that I find keep me more active and accountable are joining a gym, signing up for a fitness class, making a pact with my besties, or tracking my steps using a FitBit (and don’t forget to enable the friend feature). Knowing other people are watching my progress helps me stay on track!
Get Relief – If you push yourself a little too much one day, alternating hot and cold packs to can help relax tight muscles and reduce inflammation and pain, or try a non-prescription pain reliever, like Advil 12 Hour.
These tips are suggestions and do not replace medical advice. Please speak with your health care provider for medical advice.
About Advil 12 Hour
Advil 12 Hour is an option from the Advil brand for Canadians looking to replace their pain reliever with one convenient pill to manage their long-lasting body, joint and muscle pain. Just one pill keeps working for up to 12 hours, to help relieve Canadians’ long-lasting pain so they can accomplish all they want to.
This summer, just one Advil 12 Hour pill can help Canadians stay active by providing fast-acting plus long-lasting relief of muscle, back, joint and arthritis pain, so they can enjoy the summer activities they love.
Ibuprofen, the active ingredient in all Advil products, has been clinically proven to relieve pain from inflammation. Canadians trust the effectiveness of Advil as a non-prescription pain reliever. Advil 12 Hour’s effective immediate release/extended release formula works to relieve pain with a quick-dissolving layer for pain relief that’s fast and an extended release layer for relief that lasts.
You can find Advil 12 Hour in your local pharmacy. Always read and follow the label or speak with your doctor to ensure Advil 12 Hour is right for you.
For more information and for a $3 off coupon, visit!
Enter below to win a Keep Moving This Summer Prize Pack from Advil 12 Hour with a Fitbit Charge 2 Heart Rate Plus Fitness Tracker, 20oz water bottle and a yoga mat! Don’t forget to tell us how you would spend an active summer day if pain wasn’t holding you back?
This post is sponsored by Advil 12 Hour, but the opinions are my own.
A long run along the seawall.
I would go for a nice long hike with my husband and dogs.
Swimming for sure! We went yesterday and I was pain free for two hours after;)
take my favorite trail to the lake!
I would run more!!!
Playing with my kids on the jungle gym
Go for long hikes
I would go for a long walk around my town. I live close to the ocean and the scenery is beautiful in the summer.
I would go on a hike in the Niagara Escarpment area with friends.
Hiking with my son and camping old school in a tent!
I would play mini putt with my two boys
If I didn’t have arthritic pain, I would be able to exercise more vigorously than I can at present. I would love to be able to go for longer walks and do more gardening without the pain of wondering if I will be able to get up once I get down. Thanks for the giveaway.
I would walk more as I have painful joints .
I would love to go on a nice long hike, enjoying the lovely scenery around here (Nova Scotia)!!
My day would start 90 minutes earlier, getting more done from the outset!
I live with rheumatoid arthritis in my feet and hands….This summer I walked all over Peru, Machu Picchu and hiked through the Galapagos!! My mantra isxdi it while I can…Advil helps to keep me moving. On a beautiful summer day I walk my dog or weed the garden ❤
Working in my gardens
I would take my kids with me on a nice long walk around the seawall. Thanks!
I would spend the day gardening, going for a walk and playing in the park. @AutumnEtoile
I love to walk.
I would go for an hour walk everyday and swim when the weather was good.
I might stay up later on the weekends? I still walk, even when I’m in pain as I know that helps loosen everything up but right now its the arms that are bothering me and I suspect I might have torn something again (took 4 months off of work for that to heal so that I didn’t need surgery)
I would spend it biking or hiking. Both are great!
allways its beter prevention! but the best friand for pain its advil love it!
we would go hiking
I’d go hiking with my kids, knowing I’d probably have to carry the little one at least part of the way
I would be out working in my garden.
I would go for a bike ride with the kids and then take the dog for an extra long walk
I would get out hiking more!
I used to be more active until a recent back problem happened.I believe its from repetitive heavy lifting bending and twisting at work.I do try to keep moving because I BELIEVE if you don’t move it you lose it. I have gained about 20lbs over this last year as everything I do seems to hurt. I can’t sit stand or walk more than about a half hr before I am in intense pain. I am waiting on a cortizon shot for my back.I hope it helps….in the meantime I am trying to at least walk to keep mobile 🙂
I like to go for a bike ride with my hubby.
A nice long walk here in the woods of NH it’s just so beautiful and the smell of the mountain air you just can’t beat it.
I’d love to be out hiking or walking the local nature trails.
Long walks on the local trails with my camera
I would play ball hockey in the morning with the “boyz” and then bike and swim in the afternoon with the kids 🙂
I would go on an overnight hike!
I’d love to do one of those rope challenge/ziplining courses with my teenager!
I love taking long, peaceful walks