I’m so sick and tired and cranky with all the blog posts and coverage of big business Facebook Pages. I understand that these fancy-schmancy pages can inpire you to do cool things. But not all small businesses have the budget to hire a big design team to get the fancy-schmancy stuff.
But that said, you can have your Facebook Page make you look like a rock star with a pretty small budget. And just because you don’t have all the fancy-schmancy graphics doesn’t mean that you can’t benefit from Facebook Pages.
BIG Ideas from Small Businesses who are Doing Facebook Right
First of all, he has a lovely Welcome Page that shows his personality, a couple of photos, call to action by telling you to click the like button and a special offer. This custom tab was created by the free version of www.Pagemodo.com.
Then he has an easy link in the bio box to get to his website and his calendar. Don’t make people search for it on your info tab, put it in this box to make it more accessible. His wall contains a variety of posts. He doesn’t just pitch his business but he shows his portraits, imports his blog and has some posts thanking his clients. All good business.
Great use of photography on this site – it helps when your subject is cupcakes! They are a mobile cupcake company and use Facebook to let people know where they will be with their cupcakes. Great use of tagging to show people where they will be. Plus the photography showcases their new products.
Great welcome page with a video demonstrating the product. Followed up by a recent Giveaway on her page. The number one reason people will join a Page is for deals and giveaways so don’t underestimate that power. She has a variety of posts and also does a good job of creating buzz with her posts and uses her personal page to tag her Facebook page and connect her personal friends with her page in a variety of ways.
The best part of this page is the before and after pictures. That’s fun. Plus it gets your community involved and helps your page go viral. They have a lot of interaction on their Page from the community and a variety of posts. Plus take a look at the Our Staff Tab which is a free application from www.Tabsite.com.
Take these BIG ideas from small business and use them to take your Facebook Page up a notch. The big things to work on are getting your interaction up so your Page can go more viral. Remember to be social, not just plug your business! And use photos and videos and links to helpful articles to make your page more interesting.
Not to give myself my own plug, but the Grandma Mary Show also has a nice Welcome Page if I do say so myself that incorporates a signup to my newsletter within it. It’s not hard to do, let me know if I can help you do the same and while you’re at it, sign up for my newsletter for great tips and tricks!
Want to learn more about using Facebook? Buy the “How to Use Facebook to Grow Your Business” e-book, you will get a 1-hour free Facebook webinar happening on Thursday December 9th at 1 pm MTN.
Thank you @GrandmaMaryShow! This rocks!
Thank you Grandma Mary for the plug. I have to thank you for all the help and advise you have shared. Keep up the great work and I look forward to meeting you one of these days.
Excellent tips for facebook engaging users that is most critical task and the suggestion you have given are very informative.Thanks for sharing…