Most entrepreneurs don’t have a shortage of ideas when it comes to things they want to accomplish in their business. This is especially true when you’re first starting up! It’s the millions of ideas that can cause us to create our own bottleneck. You don’t know which project is the most important project to do… so you end up doing nothing – STUCK on square one!
It’s painful when you’re not clear about what you’re doing. It’s like you’re floundering. When you’re not clear, and purposeful, you can waste a whole day on the computer doing “stuff” but not really accomplishing anything that matters in the big picture of what you care about.
If you’re not getting important projects done, you don’t get your work out to the public that could benefit from it. PLUS, you’re not getting paid for all that you’re worth. And you don’t feel that great about yourselves or your business because you’re stuck instead of moving forward.
So how do you figure out WHICH project will create the best results?
When I think of “getting it done,” it’s not just getting done the junky, to-do list kind of stuff. We all have piles of stuff to do. Here are some questions that will help you determine whether a particular project should be a priority for you this year.
Ask yourself…
• Will this project generate momentum in my business? (Choose a project that will open up the bottleneck and give your business a real jumpstart. For example, do you need to focus on generating income, list-building, gaining credibility as an expert, etc.?)
• Does this project mesh with the vision I have for my business? (Think about the big picture of what you want to accomplish over the next year. Where do you want your business to be and will this project help you get there faster?)
• Will this project make a meaningful difference for me and for those I serve? (Don’t be distracted by the bright shiny object – something that sounds fun or that everyone else is doing, but won’t really benefit YOUR business.)
• Is this project fun and purpose-filled? (It needs to be something you believe in and you’re excited about or you’ll lose steam before you get it done.)
• Is this project big enough? (Choose something that scares you a little bit, and gets you out of your comfort zone.)
When you’ve got a clear vision on the project that will really make a difference you’ll find that you’re more focused and more committed. As a result, you serve a lot more people, increase your income and get out there in a bigger way. That is what I experienced – all good things.
Struggling with finding focus? Learn the 3-Step ‘Get It Done Girl’ formula that will help you narrow down your ideas so you can focus your time and energy the projects that will create real results. Join Kim for a free teleclass on Thursday January 6th at 1 pm EST on Revolutionize Your New Year: How to Choose the RIGHT Projects for Your Business that Create Real Results, Real Fast.
1 Comment
managing work is kind of difficult these days!