Ever sit in the audience listening to the speaker on stage and wonder, “What if that could be me?” It can be.
The logo, the branded products, even the information they present all started with one idea. Wonder if your ideas can be transformed into a thriving speaking business?
The answer is absolutely YES!
Often we have dreams of making it BIG, but underestimate our brilliance. The difference between you and the speaker on stage is that they understand the steps it takes to build a personal brand, transforming their ideas into a marketable platform.
How to Build Your Personal Brand
Personal Brand Tip #1: Understand the importance of your brand – A brand is typically a visual representation of your business in person, in products and online. Be aware of how you are perceived in the marketplace. First impressions matter and assumptions are made in only seconds, which can mean the difference between a “Yes” or a “No” with a new client.
Personal Brand Tip #2: Build a Brand based on You – Whether you are branding yourself, your business or your idea, it all comes from you. Don’t leave YOU out. This is the perfect example of when you want it to be “all about you.” Who you are, what you love, why you do what you do, what you care about and then make sure it connects with your ideal clients.
Personal Brand Tip #3: Brand Cohesion Matters – Your brand is the experience your clients have with you and you want it to be consistent to fully represent your business and to build trust. Make sure your look is cohesive and congruent in person, in your product and online. If you need to tweak your brand along the way, that’s fine; however, it should still look like “you.” If your brand is not working, start fresh, but don’t keep switching your brand every few months or years just because you are bored. Allow your brand enough time to gain recognition.
Personal Brand Tip #4: Step into your Personal (& Business) Celebrity – When you brand yourself you will become known. This is a good thing because hiding is not effective for marketing! If you are an introvert, like me, this may feel strange at first. Make sure to focus on your why and then fully step into what you are building. Being known will bring additional success and opportunity.
Personal Brand Tip #5: Think BIG from the Start – You can always scale “down” later if you want. The truth is that bigger and faster is easier. Yes, you will have growing pains but with fast growth comes the resources to handle it. It is a much better “problem” to have than struggling to keep the lights on in the office and feeling desperate for clients. Thinking BIG from the beginning means acting like the successful business and entrepreneur from Day One. Ask yourself, “How would I handle this as a successful 6 Figure business owner?” This type of mindset will have you making different decisions as a start-up and will speed up the success.
Personal Brand Tip #6: Invest the Time to Create the Results – Some entrepreneurs tout 20 hour work weeks and month long vacations. That’s lovely and totally unrealistic for a start-up business. You don’t need to work 24/7 and rest is important (make sure you get it every day). But know that if you want big results, it will take a big effort to build your dream. You will be working full time and it will be totally worth it! Those part-time hours and long vacations come later as a result of your effort and the systems you create.
Personal Brand Tip #7: Use Speaking to Share Your Message – Speaking is one of the best ways to build your brand and share your message. Speaking allows you to share your information with a group of ideal clients at one time and gives the audience the chance to check you out, see what you have to offer and decide if they want what you have to offer. Don’t worry if you aren’t a speaker – get the training and get started. It doesn’t matter whether you have a product, service, website, or non-profit, speaking will build your brand faster!
Personal Brand Tip #8: Don’t Set Limits on What’s Possible – I have personally experienced incredible growth and opportunity from creating a personal brand built around who I am and the idea I wanted to share with the world. What is your vision right now? Stretch it – expand it – double it. Do you want your products carried in a major retailer? Do you want to publish a book? Do you want to be on TV? Do you want to create a successful website? Before you stomp on your dream and come up with all the reasons why you can not have it, ask yourself, “Why not?” and “Why not YOU?”. Don’t let anyone put a ceiling on your dreams!
Grab your free gifts, including a video training on t 3 Pillars for a 6 Figure Platform (key for branding), and free download of the Character Code System Overview.
i love the way you identify the steps for a hot personal brand…my favorite is the speaking Tip #7…can’t wait your next blog!!!
I found this article to be very encouraging. It inspires me to be all that I can be. I really appreciated reading step #8.
Incredible article. It is true. The super brand…is always yourself!! Be proud & follow your dreams!