Exhausted, Meagan grimaced at her husband and asked, “Really! How can you think about sex at a time like this?” She was trying to quickly clean up after dinner and his roaming hands on her hips only added to her stress.
“I don’t know,” replied her bewildered husband. “How can I NOT think about sex at a time like this?” He tried to hide his disappointment, but Meagan felt it anyway. Now she was starting to resent sex like one more chore, and the guilt trip certainly didn’t make her want to get it on. She had WORK to do, for goodness’ sakes!
As busy mom-preneurs, it is easy to let the busy-ness of children, commerce, homework and housework sap our most sensuous energy. Often we feel anything but sexy, and getting in the mood seems like more effort than it’s worth.
“Why in the world should I have to have sex when I’m not in the mood anyway?”
Asking, “Why should I HAVE to,” may not be the most empowering question to ask. Instead why not ask, “What might I gain by discovering GREAT sex with my mate on demand?”
Studies show that sex has many benefits, including more loving feelings, greater happiness, more personal peace, increased energy, improved health, increased self-esteem, better sleep, weight loss, and emotional connection.
So, there you go. Right at the top of the list are some of those elusive qualities that everyone longs for – basically love, joy and peace. Who knew – right in your marriage, waiting in your bedroom (or anyplace you want to spice it up), the key to love, joy and peace.
Conversely, refusing sex can cause spiraling emotions of resentment, stress and anger ,which can lead to insomnia, weight gain, loneliness and a host of other problems. Now, sex is by not any means the answer to all that ails us. But in the midst of everything else, it’s great to have a sex life that works like glue keeping a marriage intimate, refreshing and fun.
How to Go from Exhausted to Aroused?
Sometimes being exhausted or annoyed makes us worse than too tired for sex. It makes us down right AVERSE! In fact, I dedicated an entire chapter to the problem – “Help – My Husband Is Naked and It’s Grossing Me Out!” Have you ever felt like that?
Since that point of view helps no-one’s self esteem, let’s see what we can change. I truly believe that with a little instruction, it’s possible to move from averse to aroused. The best part is – YOU deserve to feel great, so why not?
My Secret and Oh-so Sexy Weapon: EFT Tapping
I spent years as the wife who could barely get in the mood. This was so hurtful to my husband – it was the only part of our marriage that caused fights – and it made me feel like something was wrong with me.
Little did I know that I could re-wire my sexual energy and go from dread to desire. One night while my naked husband lie waiting in the candlelight, I rushed into the shower and in desperation tried the wackiest thing I’d ever heard of.
We call it tapping, Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT for short. It involves two things while literally tapping 7 or so times with your fingertips on acupressure targets on your face and torso:
1. Acknowledge your distressing emotion
2. Offer acceptance and forgiveness to yourself and whoever has contributed to the feeling.
The theory is that the combination of the tapping and the acceptance breaks the connection from the stressful stimulus (the thought of sex) and your body’s physical reaction (in my case – frigidness).
How to use EFT to Get in the Mood for Sex
What I discovered in that life-changing shower is that I had the power to change how I felt about sex. Follow along as you read, and see if you feel more relaxed about sex.
Since I was in a very anxious state, I let the water run all over me, while I rubbed my chest saying, “Even though I’m NOT in the mood for sex, I deeply love and accept myself anyway. Even though I’m NOT in the mood at all, and this will probably be a flop, I TOTALLY love and accept myself anyway. Even though I’m way too tired for this, I DEEPLY love and accept myself and my feelings.”
Then I tapped around my eye saying, “I am not in the mood!”
I tapped my upper and lower lip saying, “Totally not in the mood!”
I tapped my whole hand across my collarbone saying, “Sex right now is a BAD idea!”
I tapped the inside of my wrist saying “I am TOO TIRED!”
I repeated this process for about 10 minutes. Basically I just put my most anxious feelings into words –emphatically! As I did, the most amazing thing started happening. I felt in tune with my body. My skin felt good and I was completely relaxed without wanting to fall asleep. I had no idea what would happen next.
Eureka! As I lay down with my husband my whole body was tingly, responsive and orgasmic! Every kiss, every caress felt magical. I had the best sex I’d EVER had up till then. I was in touch with my senses. I felt good about myself. I felt good about my lover. From that night on, sex became a sanctuary. Sexual anxiety became a thing of the past.
The key to making sex fun when you’re not in the mood is to take charge of your own sex drive and energy and enjoy your senses, your self and your partner.
It’s called PLEASURE – and it certainly brings a host of GREAT and sexy benefits! Why not give it a try? You can tap yourself sexy, by taking some time to honor yourself and your sex life. You deserve to feel great tonight – and your mate? He DESPERATELY wants you to want him!
Want more of Gina’s secrets to GREAT Sex? Be sure to grab your free video: Secrets to Really Great Sex Tonight!
Yay, come on ladies, please share your challenges, questions and insights into this issue. Everybody wants great sex, but it seems the whole industrialized world is TOO tired, unless you live in France! haha.
Great article, Gina. Thanks for the tips on EFT. My husband and I will even make a date to go to the book store together or the grocery store by ourselves just to create that connection that will continue when we get home (our kids are old enough to be left at home alone). Do you have any other tips for starting a connection that can deepen over a couple of hours and lead to intimacy?
Thanks Gina! I have a very amorous husband, and I’ve been feeling the way you used to on and off for a couple of years. I know I don’t want to see that sad look on his face anymore. Great to meet you in person last weekend as well!
Wendi, that’s awesome that you guys BOTH like the book store. We do too, but one time a poetry reading was a little more than my poor testosterone-driven fella could handle. He nearly fell asleep! We love it when we get a chance to hike some of the gorgeous waterfalls that are right by our house, or even just jogging followed by some hard lemonaide. (I make him quit counting carbs for those!) We actually live in a really small and boring town, so its the little things that mean a lot. He even loves a chance to sit and watch a comedy so that we laugh together. Laughter is good for opening our hearts.
Good question! Any one else out there have some tips?
Oh Lily – my Martial Arts Girl! God bless you. I loved meeting you too. Is your husband a fighter at all too? I know that when Paul spars with me, or even trains me a little in the gym, that I am suddenly so attracted to him. I don’t know if its due to all that flexing of my core (ha!) or because he is so strong, but sweating together away from the covers seems to lead to more fun under the covers.
Boy, it sure sounds like you’ve got the best marriage ever! No, Linc’s a sailor, not a martial artist, but I do know how sparring training can feel very physically intimate. (I don’t act on that now that I’m a married lady.) Going to the dojo and training physically in something I love is so relaxing! It’s tons easier to feel sexual after that than folding laundry or cleaning the kitchen. 🙂
Haha! yes, Lily, folding laundry rarely makes me feel sexy. Sparring is physically intimate. Thankfully the blackbelts in my dojo are usually killing me so badly that I don’t have any time to think sexy thoughts! You do know that I have a free video called Secrets to Really Great Sex Tonight, right? You can find a link to it in the last sentence of the article above. It’s made to help move you from averse to aroused in 20 minutes based on your energy system.