Share your best Momentum Building Tips!
THIS WEEK: Thursday February 25th at 7 pm MTN / 9 pm EST
We’re changing things up this week for the MOMeoChat and making YOU the experts! Join us this Thursday and share your BEST MOMentum building tips!
Talking about getting stuff done – faster, easier and with children in tow!
- How to get more done in A LOT less time
- Favorite technology tools and top productivity tips
- How YOU balance your work schedule and family life!
Psst…the best tip will be featured along with the contributor in an upcoming MOMentum Monday post!
RSVP by adding your twitter name to the comments so other #MOMeoChat participants can follow you on twitter! Don’t forget to use the proper syntax:!
Stay for the Official After Party from 8 pm MTN / 10 pm EST to 9 pm MTN / 11 pm and get to know your fellow #MOMeoChat participants!
About #MOMeoChat Twitter Hashtag Parties!
Every week on Thursday from 7 pm MTN / 9 pm EST, join MOMeo Community and MOMeo Magazine for #MOMeoChat
on Twitter!
Every week, we will bring you expert panelists to talk about and answer YOUR questions on building your business, family and household management and finding a little playtime time for yourself!
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