Q1: How do you use the fresh start of a new school year to make changes?
@CarlaYoung Q1: The new school year seems like a better time than New Years…it follows a long break from habits and the opp for fresh start
@CarlaYoung Q1: Ditch all the old habits and consider what new ones you’d like to start!
@HappyFamMvmt We get back on a routine! Summer is chaos around here. Back to school means consistent bedtimes and more organization!
@OrganizerBoards Q1 – it’s easy to form new routines around a set school schedule
@HappyFamMvmt: We get back on a routine! Summer is chaos. Back to school means consistent bedtimes and more organization!
@CarlaYoung Q1: I go to the gym, I spring clean the house I make food for a month and finally get back on track with work
@OrganizerBoards Q1 – school starting also allows me to mentally focus on work and not multitask when kids are home
@alyciaedgar Q1. Getting back into routine. I also like to add a new “you’re a bigger kid now” responsibility for my kids
Q2: What are your Back to School resolutions for your business?
@HappyFamMvmt I will make a meal plan… I will make a meal plan… I will make a meal plan (and then I will follow it)
@OrganizerBoards Q2 – Work smarter – and more effectively during work time – focus – and stop work when work should stop!
@HappyFamMvmt Get caught up. And get to cracking on all these awesome ideas we’ve had in the works all summer long.
@CarlaYoung Q2: Be more focused and productive and really REALLY protect my time!
@JeannieSpiro I up my education in the fall, just like the kids
@alyciaedgar Q2. Focus, focus, focus on existing projects and mapping out of all implementable ideas generated during time off
@OrganizerBoards Q2 – Also – plan for new work projects more – don’t start too many that I can’t finish
@BalanceMyLife q2: work smarter work less enjoy life more – the ultimate balance
Q3: What are your Back to School resolutions for personal life?
@CarlaYoung: Q3: Get fit and get over my back injury (I hate not being able to do things)
@HappyFamMvmt Q3: Meal plan. More play time with the kids. Get everything in the house organized (can you tell I like to organize?!)
@YourDoulaBag Q3: book babysitters for date nights with husband
@HappyFamMvmt Q3: more exercise, more sleep… oh there are SO many things on this list!
@BalanceMyLife @CarlaYoung q2: work smarter work less enjoy life more – the ultimate balance which I am still trying to find myself
@HartGalla Q3:#goodcleanliving. Have a meal plan for the next 3 months, fitness plan, date night plan and quality time focus
@BalanceMyLife #momeochat Q3: back to the gym Full blast I love it
Q4: What are your Back to School resolutions for your family?
@CarlaYoung Q4: Teaching both husband and daughter about routines — packing school bag, lunch, etc. the night before
@HappyFamMvmt Q4: get the kids used to routines and schedules, enough sleep for the kids.
@HappyFamMvmt Q4: (this is a constant resolution in our house) creating memorable family experiences. Seeing how back to school fits in to that
@OrganizerBoards Q4 – have fun together!
@YourDoulaBag Q4: school nights try to eat together & bedtime by 8pm.Weekends do fun things we don’t usually do. #
@JeannieSpiro We purged & organized before school started, so staying that way
@CarlaYoung Q4: Husband and I are spending a lot of time thinking about lifestyle choices…really awesome dialogue to start
@HappyFamMvmt Q4: be THERE for our kids… breakfast together, lunch on Fridays with our 1st grader, bike rides to school
@YourDoulaBag Back to Q4: want to spend more one on one time with each child. They love it so much.
Q5: What new habits would you like to establish for Back to School?
@HappyFamMvmt Q5 make a meal plan, grocery shop for the meal plan, and actually follow through with it
@OrganizerBoards Q5 Getting up early so getting ready for school isn’t a mad dash! So far so good!
@CarlaYoung Q5: Getting everyone involved in family organization and protecting my office time…oh and boundaries
@HelpWeveGotKids Early wake up!
@YourDoulaBag Q5: big kids make own lunches & are responsible for practicing instruments daily.clothes out night before too.
@HappyFamMvmt Q5: Dedicated work hours for hubby & I. Then maybe we could take a night off instead of working 7 nights a week!
@kmohara A: An early bedtime. And calm morning
@BalanceMyLife @HappyFamMvmt so hard to leave work behind when it is in your face – my resolution is to turn the light off at 3:30
@HartGalla Running every morning. Working with the kids on clean up responsibility. Practicing reading & writing nightly
Q6: What bad habits would you like to ditch for Back to School?
@YourDoulaBag Q6: allowing myself to work past midnight.
@OrganizerBoards Q6 – Skipping breakfast! I need to eat with the kids! bad mommy habit!
@kmohara A6: Keep the tv off when we get home. We have a narrow window as it is – should spend it together
@CarlaYoung Q6: Booking too many meetings and calls!
@BalanceMyLife Q6: drinking wine – eating too much
@HappyFamMvmt Q6 – Cereal for dinner
@HartGalla A6: Being glued to my phone when my kids are around or working at dinner. Step back. Be present
Q7: How important is it to include your family in your resolutions?
@CarlaYoung Q7: I love the idea of creating a family vision to get them onside and teach about goal setting and priorities
@HartGalla HUGE! For everything. How do they change if they don’t know the New World Order?
@OrganizerBoards Q7 – very important! They need be on board to make it happen
@BalanceMyLife @MOMeo Q7: monkey see monkey do! If they see you do it they will do it too!
@CarlaYoung Q7: Making a decision in a vacuum never works. No one sticks with it and you lose energy for it
@kitandcaboodle Less computer?
@CarlaYoung One personal resolution I made was to get more massages…that’s easy to stick to!
@YourDoulaBag Main resolution is to get out there & live! Whether that means having fun w/ kids or pushing the limits w/my biz. Go 4it.
Q8: How do you start making changes to your daily habits?
@CarlaYoung Q8: Force the habit until it becomes second nature. It takes time to change behaviour
@OrganizerBoards Q8 – I just jump in and try to keep them going … if you fall off the wagon just get back on the next day
@HeatherSBroad Q8 – make a conscious decision to stick with it and keep the end goal in mind!
@HappyFamMvmt Q8 – just doing it till it sticks. And putting it in plain sight helps too. We’ve got boards all over the kitchen with lists!
@CarlaYoung @HappyFamMvmt Love that idea of visual reminders
@OrganizerBoards Q8 – if you are constantly missing resolutions though it is time to reevaluate them
@Tara_Nelson Q8 words & thoughts become actions. Tell people your goals. And write and post them everywhere!
@CakeMechanic stop trying to live by other people’s rules.what works for Me works..don’t feel need to live up to a “criteria” happy me = happyu
@BalanceMyLife Q8: I make a list, if it is on paper I have to do it, makes me accountable!
@HappyFamMvmt we have a dry erase board on the fridge and write today’s to do list on it. new resolutions (i.e. workout) are there every day
@HartGalla Keep trying. If u have a relapse to bad habits, start again the next day. Don’t lapse, relapse, then collapse
@HappyFamMvmt Q8: the more you do it, the more it becomes second nature. Plus I HATE not crossing things off the list!
@kmohara A8: You make change by taking action. Start with manageable goals until you reach your habit goals.
Q9: How do you hold yourself accountable and make your resolutions stick?
@Tara_Nelson Q9 again, make sure to share your plans and goals. Your support system will help you stay accountable.
@CarlaYoung Q9: Don’t turn a little setback into failure. Get back on the wagon!
@HappyFamMvmt Q9: get your spouse on board. Hubby & I push each other to stay on our goals.
@OrganizerBoards Q9 – always thing about the results – the benefits of making the resolutions happen
@CakeMechanic allowing things to go has made it easier but having a strict timetable dinner6pm,bedtime7pm surprisingly simpler for us all.
@HappyFamMvmt Q9 – get the kids on board too – one day I didn’t want to workout, but told the kids we couldn’t go swimming unless I did
@OrganizerBoards Q9 – Also – celebrating successes without going back to bad habits
@BalanceMyLife Q9: make lists and tell my friends and family what My resolutions are – I don’t like to disappoint.
@HappyFamMvmt Q9 – I love lists and checking stuff off.
Q10: What do you do when you find yourself slipping back into old habits?
@CarlaYoung Q10: Being aware is key…then you need to get back on track or reevaluate if you are truly committed to the goal
@OrganizerBoards Q10 – have a list of why you are making the changes to start with – and refer to that list
@HappyFamMvmt Q10 – You have to remind yourself how much better it is to keep up with your resolutions. And force yourself to stick with them
@CakeMechanic #momeochat I had to set alarms so I don’t forget pick up from school
@BalanceMyLife @CarlaYoung @momeo Q10: i am hard on myself for a bit (i know very bad) and then I get back on the wagon very quickly
@HappyFamMvmt Google calendar is fabulous for helping us keep up with everything we have going on.
@GoSystemsGirl I have alarms to tell me 10mins til out the door and important alerts for day before
@GoSystemsGirl alerts and alarms on my iphone save me