Okay – it happens…to EVERYONE! I don’t care who you are. IT happens. You get to your office and you feel BLAH!
You look at your task list and you don’t want to do anything. You look at your email – still nothing (and geez, why are all these people bugging me?). You pick up the telephone and the dial tone speaks your language – Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
You have a serious case of the La-DEE-Dah’s, my friend!
Go with it!
What? Really? But what about momentum and forward movement? What about productivity and getting things done? Seriously? But my task list is 8 (HUNDRED MILLION) miles long!
What La-dee-dah is telling you…
Firstly, give yourself a break. Grab a latte and park it in a cozy spot and just be. Then when you feel a little more chill, look at what’s behind the blah’s.
Look behind the feelings and ask yourself what’s going on? Is there a task or project that you are avoiding? Is there a step forward that you are resisting? What are you feeling? Overwhelm? Fear? Guilt?
Digging to the root cause
Ask more questions. The ‘feeling’ is the symptom – you need to discover the root cause.
For example, if it’s fear that’s, ask what kind of fear. Is it self-preservation or self-sabotage? Meaning is your fear protecting you from saber-toothed tigers or stopping you from stepping up so let’s stay mediocre.
In the case of overwhelm, take a serious look at your task list and reprioritize. Sometimes overwhelm is a sneaky way to hide from your fear – by overloading yourself you have the perfect excuse not to take that big step forward.
Whatever the source – acknowledge it. Then decide: either ditch it, delegate it or bite the bullet and do it!
Momentum Monday Challenge: Tell us how you handle a case of the La-dee-dah’s!
Usually la-dee-dah comes on me when I have to do something “new”. Something that I've never done before and I have to learn how to do it. I tend to procrastinate on that activity and after several days of that I find that I'm procrastinating on everything! It's like my brain says, “if you're not doing the important thing, you don't have the right to do the other things.” Then I get overwhelmed because I'm “so behind on everything” (talk about self-sabotage!) Then the blahs set in. LOL! So I often make the decision to bite the bullet and plow through it. I know that it will make me a smarter and stronger person!
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