Okay Princess Buttercup, it’s time we talked about this habit you have of falling down wells, getting stranded on a burning boat or other such helpless silly-nonsense.
Seriously. It’s so 15th Century.
“Waiting for a prince to rescue me? No, not me,” you say. “I am an independent business woman” and other bra-burning blither blather you read in your feminist literature class in college and pull out on cue when questioned about your princess ways.
So what’s up with all the princess “Rescue me” drama then?
Oh-me-oh-my…if only I had this one bit of knowledge, I could get started building my empire. If I could only find time to finish this one thing, I could move forward with the launch. If only this one person would get on board and rescue me, I could .
Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for being a princess (just listen to my Starbucks order and you will know it’s true)…BUT I prefer to think of myself as a self-rescuing princess. Prince Charming is optional in my fairytale.
The secret to being a self-rescuing princess
#1: Recognize the self-sabotage – Admit it. This need to be rescued by people or information is just a darn convenient excuse for avoiding what scares the sh*t out of you. See the task avoidance for what it is and move on.
More on dealing with fear and overcoming self-sabotage in “Ditch the Distractions”
#2: STOP waiting for Prince Charming and start DOING – No one can do it for you so stop waiting for your version of Prince Charming to rescue you and just start doing stuff. Often help is waiting on the sidelines for you to start moving forward so their contributions aren’t wasted on someone who isn’t going to do the work.
More on spinning your wheels researching and reading in “Are you an Info-Addict?”
#3: Give yourself permission to try stuff and fail – Repeat after me: it’s okay if I try something and it doesn’t turn out. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try again, but whatever you do, don’t let failure stop you from trying. More often than not, it works out (regardless of that little typo that drove you crazy).
More on overcoming perfectionism in “Is perfection holding you back?”
#4: Find your true inner strength – Seriously. Do you honestly think men could carry a baby for nine-months and then endure a single second of labor? Absolutely not. Find your depth of strength and do it mommy!
More on finding your inner courage in “Pulling out the Inner Lady MacBeth”
Think of this as your loving kick in the ass. Now go and have a productive week and find other ways to embrace your inner princess (like fancy lattes and pedicures).