For every “Yes” you say to something, there is a corresponding “No” to something else – either because you don’t have the ability to say “Yes” or because that something else never materializes.
This is why we fail to achieve what we most desire in our overscheduled and overcommitted lives. We are constantly committing to stuff we aren’t all that interested in, defacto pushing what we really want to the back.
If you really want to get to that ‘sometime’ project, you must make room for it. You need to give your ideas room to grow, not just in your mind, but in your calendar because if left to its own devices, your calendar will magically fill itself full of unnecessary and unwanted tasks.
How to Create Space for New Opportunities
Ditch the Unnecessary – Make a list of everything you are committed to doing or end up doing by default and cross off everything that falls under the categories of unnecessary or unwanted. It’s time to let another mom take over the role of classroom volunteer or ask your family to step up to help with the household tasks.
Decide What You Want – Put of making space for new opportunities is identifying what types of opportunities you would like to manifest in your life. Do you want to attract new clients or do you want to tackle that book project that has been sitting on your shelf for the last year? Set the intention.
Make a Plan – Don’t wait for that new client to appear out of nowhere or for the editor to come knocking on your door – MAKE IT HAPPEN! Create an action list that outlines the exact steps you need to take this week to step closer to that goal (and keep on mapping out steps as you go).
Stick to It – Do not give yourself a break! If you commit to an action step by a certain date, consider it an unbreakable promise. So often we put ourselves at the very bottom of our list – it’s time to make you a priority.
Find Accountability Partners – Connect with likeminded people who will hold your feet to the fire and call you on your bullshit excuses when you fail to hit a milestone. Tell them upfront that you want (and need) tough love.
Celebrate Your Achievements – Remember that momentum begets more momentum (hence the name of this column). Take time to celebrate your achievements, even if it’s just a quick happy dance in your office before you get back on task.
Happy Monday – now go get ‘em!
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