This post to dedicated to all the ‘wantrapreneurs’ who claim they WANT to start a business, but then proceed to list off a thousand and one excuses why they can’t do it right now. These are usually same ones who immediately list off 5 more excuses the moment you suggest a simple solution to the insurmountable barrier that they presented as the reason for continuing to sit around complaining that they can’t start a business.
The problem with looking for excuses is that you can always find plenty of compelling ones. The fact that you focus on the excuses tells me is that either a) you don’t really want it enough to push through the tough times and are trying to come up with a convincing cover story on why you aren’t trying harder or b) you are afraid what will happen if you really commit to it and after pouring your heart and soul into it, (gasp) fail.
It will never be the perfect time!
The difference between those who succeed and those who dream is in the doing. Simple steps, no matter how small, are the best way to untangle those troubles and overcome the feelings of fear. And like any momentum building project, take the energy, the forward movement from those steps and take more steps and more steps (and before you know it, you are in business with no more need for excuses)!
How to Get Over the Excuses and Get Started:
Get to the Bottom of the Excuse — Ask yourself why you feel the need to make excuses. Are you disappointed with your progress so far and feel the need to explain? Are you stuck and afraid to move forward because you can see a potential problem? Are you only lukewarm about starting this business and need to find something that connects to your true purpose?
Take a Step — Pick a task — any task — and get it done! Then make a promise to yourself to check at least one task off your to-do list every single day (no excuses allowed)! Once you have mastered tackling one task a day, up it to 2 or 3 core tasks, but don’t aim for more than that as that can have the opposite effect and push you into overwhelm!
Shift Your Perspective on Excuses — Don’t see all those obstacles as potential excuses to pull out when questioned about your progress, think of them as future badges of honor to share with your entrepreneurial friends! No one ever said starting a business was going to be easy!