You are a busy lady! Mom, entrepreneur, chef, marketing queen, accountant, school volunteer, to name just a few of your jobs. You don’t have time to mess with 57 different social media sites.
Lucky for you we compiled a list of the best places to manage your social media efforts and make sure your time isn’t wasted.
Tools for Managing Blogs and Blogging
#1: Google Reader – It helps you pull all your favorite blogs into one place. You can see the latest posts, group the blogs you read into folders and scan the top headlines to see if you want to read the post. Now you won’t miss a new post from your favorite blog!
#2: Disqus – Install on your blog to help facilitate comments. Your readers can easily log in if they have a Disqus profile and easily share their comments with other social media sites. Disqus works with WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger and more.
Tools for Managing Twitter and Facebook
#3: Hootsuite – This is my favorite social media management tool because it integrates several social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, but it also gives you the ability to look at stats from your tweets and schedule messages for later. It’s web-based so you can log into it on any browser and use it to update several social media sites at once.
#4: Tweetdeck – If you prefer a desktop application, Tweetdeck is another social media management tool that lets you update several sites at one time. You can download the application onto your desktop and watch Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn updates from your connections.
#5: Tweepi – This web-based Twitter tool will sort through your followers to see who hasn’t tweeted in months, who isn’t following you back, who you aren’t following back and other stats. It lets you easily unfollow people who have stales accounts by quickly checking boxes.
#6: Yfrog – Share your pictures to Twitter and Facebook easily. Yfrog works with both iPhone and Android phones.
Tools for Measuring your Return on Investment (ROI)
#7: Hubspot Grader – Ever wonder how you stack up? Grader lets you know how you compare, giving you a score on your blog, twitter account, Facebook page and more. Be sure to use it to grade your website or blog as it has a very nice suggestion feature that gives you feedback on how to make your site better.
#8: Google Analytics – If you aren’t using some type of analytics tool on your website to see where your traffic is coming from, you need to! Google Analytics is easy to install on your blog or website and you can see reports on how many people are coming to your site from Facebook or Twitter or what search terms they are using to find your website.
#9: Klout – Very nice Twitter tool to let you know how influential you are in the Twitter world.
An extra tool to organize your bookmarks
#10: Delicious – A sanity-saving tool that lets you save all the websites and articles online you want to read later. Plus there is a nice component of social-ness too in that you can see what other people are bookmarking and saving.
Hopefully you found some helpful nuggets in there to save you time and improve your productivity. Now you can go put on one of your many other hats for a little while!
Want to learn more about marketing your business with social media? Take a look at Grandma Mary’s online Facebook tutorials and if you need more help, buy her How to Use Facebook to Grow your Business e-book!
A great round up of wonderful tools that can be used to manage your social media. The best part is most of them are F R E E!
Thanks Erroin! You definitely can’t beat free.
As a work at home mom i can say that i found this post very interesting and helpful and i hope more WAHMs will read it as well.
I believe you should also check out a very smart reader that will filter all your social and news stream based on your own behavior. You may even get addicted to it 🙂