Let’s say you wake up one morning and after mentally going through your day ahead, realize that you have a huge block of time where absolutely nothing is scheduled! No kids to take care of, no errands to run, no appointments to rush to, no pressing household things to check off your “to-do” list and no business matters to attend to. Yup, your schedule is free and clear and you find yourself with that elusive thing you vaguely remember from an era long ago before you had a family and a business to take care of … Time for Yourself!
If You had 3 Hours to Yourself AND Work was not an Option, What Would You Do?
Dandy Civitarese Creative Memories
If I had 3 hours to myself – First a 1.5 hr massage, followed by a haircut and style, and then a Starbucks on the way home!
Melissa ‘Smith’ Vroon Family Fun Calgary
If I had three hours and I was not “allowed” to work on my business I would organize my office, basement, kitchen drawers etc. Technically though that is still work, just a different kind so I would either take a bubble bath, read, then take a nap or I would run out and get a mani-pedi. Definitely pamper myself. We moms really never pamper ourselves enough and most times we feel guilty when we do it because we know we should really be doing something else more productive. I guess practice makes perfect.
Michelle Sharp-Benson Stir Crazy Family Fun Centre
I would draw most likely do something creative and with my hands. Scrapbook, sketch, organize (yes this is fun to me), paint a room in the house. The list goes on but me time is all about CREATIVITY. Thanks for posting a question that made me think about ME!!!
Tonya Z. Faulkner Women’s Empowerment Canada Magazine
If I had 3 hours to myself AND work was not an option I would take the entire family out somewhere quiet away from civilization? Our family would greatly appreciate that one of our favorite things to do is camping/fishing but 3 hours just isn’t enough time.
Julie Scheck Snelgrove Cakeistry
Going to the Spa!!!
Gretel Meyer Odell Fancy Pants Kids
A quiet dinner with my husband (and no kids) we never get to just sit and BE together with all the mayhem in our lives!
Jen Hamel On the Go Fitness
If I had 3 hours to myself no work, no hubby, no kids and no cleaning. I would go for a run(1hr),take a long hot bath(40 minutes) and then I would sit in my comfy pj’s and read my book(1hr 20min) about personal development, we can all use a little improvement and a little me time.
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Oh my stars – If I had 3 hours to myself I would: work out, give myself a pedicure (long story), read for an hour with cup of peppermint tea, organize a few closets and frame a few more pictures!
That would about do it!
Sarah, http://RaisingCEOKids.com
Listen to music, play in the kitchen and chill. 🙂
That sounds DIVINE! Okay – late afternoon spa w/ massage and steam, then a margarita on the rocks while watching the sun set.
Oh easy! Spend the entire three hours reading a good book and eating chocolate!