From the pet store to the bookstore, everyone seems to offer special incentives through loyalty cards these days. While loyalty cards are great for getting you discounts and exclusive deals, it doesn’t take long before your wallet is jammed full of them (and who wants to deal with a big fat wallet at the checkout counter?). The other option is only carrying your favorites, but inevitably the one you need is stashed in a drawer at home.
Cardstar is a simple, yet brilliant, app that puts all your loyalty cards in the palm of your hand (assuming that hand is holding your smartphone). Download it for free to your iPhone, Blackberry or Android and then using your phone’s camera just scan the bar codes on the back of your cards.
Boom! Cardstar reads the barcode and stores them where they can be scanned at the checkout counter just like you would your plastic card. Cardstar will also show you which of your stores is offering special deals and help you score coupons to save you even more money. No wonder the loyalty card program we’re most loyal to is Cardstar.
Check out this week’s Twirl and see how easy it is to ditch the plastic and hold on to more paper using Cardstar.