Keeping track your life is challenging enough, so who can remember when your next credit card payment is due or that your checking account is on life support? But there is a simple way of keeping track of all your finances, by storing them in one secure place–
With a few simple clicks you can upload your bank account balances, bills, mortgage statements and student loans and Mint will organize them in one place so that you always know exactly what’s going on with your finances. No more searching piles. No more late fees. And, Mint gives you an up-to-the-minute view of all your transactions, analyzes your spending habits and lets you set up a budget.
It might just surprise you to see where your cash is going and how you can save money. With the Mint app (available for both iPhones and Androids) a quick peek at your bottom line will help you decide whether to purchase, or pass on, that little “Me gift” you’ve been eying.
Watch this week’s Twirl to learn all about how you can gather up all your finances into one safe financial manager. Oh, and let us know what you think about Carley’s hat. Yay? Or Nay?