The last thing you need after a hectic week is more stress, more guilt, more posts telling you what to do, what not to do, what to do differently. So with that in mind, I write this post as a guide to help you find your path along the winding road we call mom entrepreneurship. Take what you will from it and leave the rest behind because you, Dear Reader, know what’s best.
The topic of what holds us back and bogs us down is a common theme here at MOMeo because I overhear at conferences, via social media, and sitting across the table at Starbucks from colleagues many of the same recurring themes. What stops us from doing what we truly desire — no matter how lofty or low-key that goal may be — is us. Plain and simple.
Now no one comes right out and says it. It sounds more like, “If only…” or “I wish…” and sometimes even, “I can’t because…”. The reasons are compelling and often detailed. No one hearing the tale would begrudge them for giving up before even beginning because the path is so daunting. Truly. So, Dear Reader, they dream, but do not dare, armed with their story of why not.
But I think of all the brave women who came before me and I wonder if they thought, “If only…” or “I wish…” or “I can’t because…”. Certainly there must have been times when it seemed impossible, that continuing was folly. But, Dear Readers, they persisted because they had to, because they couldn’t not try, because failure was not an option.
So I am not going to tell you to try harder, to dig deeper, to find your inspiration because you know all that. What I am going to do is ask, “What if?” and “Why not?” What if what you dared to dream came true. Why not you, why not now, why not success? You see, just as the stories of those who dared not are the same, the stories of those who dared and succeeded are remarkably similar as well.
Take a step back and really think about it (and let’s meet back here on Monday when we return to our regularly scheduled dose of Get ‘Er Done).