There’s a lot to be said for the “Home Team Advantage”. Besides playing on your own turf, you have the crowd on your side, cheering you onto victory. That extra encouragement has you pushing yourself just a bit more to get ahead of your competitor, ultimately, to win.
That’s exactly what happened today with the Canadian Women’s World Cup team. Facing elimination in the pre-quarter finals against Switzerland, they played their hearts out in front of their country and won. Josée Bélanger, who scored the winning and only goal, attributed their success to having the support of the fans.
Having played sports, although never at the same level as these amazing athletes, I know the extra oomph you get from hearing encouragement from the sideline. Somehow you find the strength to push past the tiredness and your personal limits to find the energy to go even faster, play harder.
The same can be said about building a business. Success is rarely ever a solo journey (even for us solopreneurs). You need to rally your own support to find that strength to keep going, especially when you’re facing what feels like insurmountable odds or nothing seems to go your way.
Where can you look for support? It’s everywhere. You just have to ask for it.
Friends and Family — Don’t be shy about sharing your lofty goals with your loved ones. Rally their support by sharing your big WHY and letting them share in your journey. These are the people who you need to be able to turn to for a hug on those bad days so be honest with them about what you are trying to do and how it’s going.
Colleagues and Coworkers — Reach out to your business network and tell them what you’re up to. Not only will they appreciate knowing how you’re doing, chances are they may be able to help you with business introductions, savvy advice or a strategic partnership.
Social Network — Share your victories (and defeats) with your social media connections. It’s okay to be honest and open about the challenges you face. In fact, your vulnerability will earn more support than coming across as “Ms. Perfect” who has everything handled.
Accountability Partner — Set yourself up with an accountability partner or group. It doesn’t matter if that person is a business coach, a colleague, your spouse or a private Facebook group that you create of people with similar goals, you need someone to hold you accountable (and even kick your butt from time to time).
Go YOU go!