Sometimes start-up success is all about getting the basics right. Too often good ideas get lost in a poor delivery or unfairly judged because of a shabby business card that doesn’t represent the quality behind it.
Today, more than ever before, you have less time and a lot less bandwidth to win over your audience before they move onto to the next BIG idea. “I don’t get it” no longer means “Tell me more.” It means “CLICK…I have moved onto the next thing.”
6 Things Every Start-Up Needs to Get Right:
Value Proposition — Before you do anything, get to the bottom of what you offer. Think benefits, not features. Ask yourself: what are you really selling? Is it convenience? Luxury? Quality? Value? What problem does it solve (and does everyone know that this problem exists)?
Business Card — Follow the KISS rule and KEEP IT SIMPLE! Trying to cram too much information on that tiny piece of paper is pointless! The same applies for your email signature: short, catchy and to the point.
Web Site and Blog — Give your web users what they want: information (in an easy-to-navigate, artfully designed and mobile-friendly way)! Set up your web site to go through the basics of what you offer and use your blog to educate your prospects on the fine details of why they need it.
Social Media Profiles — Create consistent brand across all social media profiles that link back to your web site and to your other social media profiles. Like your business card and email signature, this should explain who you are and what you do that’s so amazing.
30-Second Elevator Pitch — Imagine you are standing in front of your ideal customers or client. What do you say to win them over in 30-seconds or less? That will come in handy for every networking event, business meeting, and interview you do during the course of your start-up.
Proposal Template — Take the time to create a compelling proposal template (or if you are a product business, product sheets) that steps prospects through the entire sales process in words, from who you are to how to create outstanding value for them.
Don’t wait until you need the above marketing materials to create them. Sit down now and put some time and effort into perfecting them. Even if you are no longer in start-up mode, it is probably worth it to take the time to review these items as well. They are the backbones of your marketing and deserve your attention.
1 Comment
Nice Article!