An engaging press release can cause a stir and gain your company invaluable marketplace acknowledgement as well as immeasurable traction and momentum to help propel you forward. That is if your story gets the attention of the right people.
It’s challenging to find news worthy topics to release. Often companies feel that they have nothing of note to discuss, while others publicize ho-hum, generic internal tidbits that journalists and readers quickly dismiss.
So how do you find the right balance between nothing of note and overpublicizing ho-hum facts? How do you create compelling press releases guaranteed to keep your business news out of the dreaded ‘circular file’?
News Release Topics Guaranteed To Avoid The Big “So What?”
When brainstorming topics for press releases, remember this: The best way to maximize a release’s impact isn’t to say something, it’s to announce something. In short, a news release requires, well…news. Topics like landing a new client, quarterly sales numbers, new product lines and services as well as a current sales promotion all top the intuitive list of things we know and want to announce to our public immediately.
However, there are a wide range of slightly more subtle, yet still noteworthy, events that definitely constitute business news and should also be heralded out to the masses promptly. If you feel like you don’t have anything relevant to reveal, think again. The following topics can help your business quickly change a potential client’s response from, “So what?!” to, “Tell me more.”
New Hires: Bringing on new internal talent always makes for a powerful press release. What better way to let your customers know that your business has recently added a new member to your already stellar team of industry rock stars?
Website: Have you unveiled a new website? Given the old one a virtual makeover? Added features or enhancements? Announcing new site changes will encourage clients to come and check out your new look.
Partnerships: A new strategic alliance both broadens your offered services as well as increases your potential client pool. Plan on getting the word out, stat!
Awards: Has your company recently received an award, recognition or accolades? A press release offers an ideal platform for you to toot your business horn and broadcast what you already know; how great your company is!
Timely or Seasonal Products: Does your company offer products with a holiday or seasonal theme? Even if the items themselves aren’t new, timing a release to coincide with the appropriate time of year can make your wares seem even more relevant, exciting and newsworthy.
Subject Matter Expert: Have you recently published an e-book, news article, or case study? Or, perhaps you’ve been quoted or featured, either in print or online? Drawing attention to any recent press you’ve received will both build your credibility as well as help establish you as a subject matter expert in your industry.
Personal Appearances: A press release hyping your next personal appearance, speaking engagement, etc. reaps a two-fold benefit. First, you’ll entice readers to check out your website to learn more about your business. Secondly, you will also simultaneously solicit interested parties to attend your event. Win, win!
Still struggling to come up with innovative facts or events to tout? Get imaginative and create a customer contest. Publicize all the rousing details via news release. Announcing a fun contest with cool prizes is a guaranteed way to keep your business on your clients’ radar and out of the infamous circular file!
Need help getting your news out? Try Online PR News online press release distribution. Use the promo code GNTKNEZL and get 20% off your next press release!
These are some great ideas, Tara–ones I would not have thought of myself! I can see how they could be applied even to other content. Good stuff!
Thanks Tara! This gives me some great inspiration to get going on my own News Release!
Great information, Tara. Thanks for explaining this so clearly!
thanks so much for your incredible understanding of how we can easily promote our business in ways we may never have otherwise thought of Tara.
I can’t wait to finalize our press release and realize some of your sweet expertise. Thanks Tara for the inspiration and guidance in your niche!
Thanks everyone! I’m glad you got some good ideas from it. The key is recognizing that with self publishing, any bit of news is “big” enough for a press release. True, you may not attract a large media outlet with your story, but you certainly will gain visibility and be primed for when a journalist or blogger does a Google search looking for sources within your industry!