Wondering how to handle sharing the holiday spirit from a brand perspective without going too far overboard on political correctness? Is it Christmas for everyone or just those who celebrate? Will Happy Holidays do or should you go with the humorous version and call it Festivus?
There are two main things to consider when you attach your company name and or logo to a holiday greeting. Does the subject matter of the copy and image go with what your business stands for? And in this small but varied world, are you being as inclusive as possible when you wish your customers the ‘Best of the Season’?
How to Share the Spirit of the Holidays without Offending
#1: Neutral Festive (Happy Holidays)
Happy Holidays, just as it sounds, can apply to any holiday or seasonal activity. Match with a seasonal photograph or illustration that focuses on symbols of winter, such as snowflakes, winter landscapes, a cozy house on a winter evening or pine bows. If you are a nature-lover, birds on icy branches and deer in a snow-covered forest clearing are always good. Everyone loves a beautiful nature picture!
#2: Festive Fun
Think Santa Claus, Elves and Snowmen. Oh, my – if you are into the classics, Christmas imagery as seen through the sentimental, but somewhat commercialized eyes of late 19th and early 20th century branding. It’s both cheerful and familiar and always makes us smile!
If you want an even more humorous ‘Festivus for the Rest of Us’, go for images that rely on the humorous and more earthly aspects of the holidays. If you go this route, you should be sure of your audience. Don’t send a greeting with a picture of Grandma dancing on the table if your business relies on a sedate and conservative customer base.
#3: Family Focused
If your business is family focused, then the traditional versions of Neutral Festive or Festive Fun are an excellent choice. Think more sweet and less sass.
Families skating, children tucked in bed, a plateful of cookies or a traditional old-timey image of a family around the tree are all great choices. And remember anything with children or kittens or puppies wearing Santa hats is always good!
#4: Religious Respectful
There are many lovely options available for the multi-cultural, multi-religious seasonal greeting, where all the major religions and their symbols are included in one image.
If a less secular take on the holidays is important to you (and more importantly, to your customers) try to make sure you are not inadvertently leaving anyone out.
#5: Seasonal Spirit
Christmas brings out the spirit of giving and there are hundreds of worldwide, national and local charities and volunteer organizations that would appreciate your help at this time of year.
Many of them supply Christmas cards with their organization’s name and contact information that you can send out with a hand written note inside. Because nothing truly embraces the spirit of the holidays like giving.
Remember when it’s about your business and your customers this time of year is a great opportunity to show a little more personal warmth–without getting too personal! Hugs and eggnog all around!