Beat summer boredom with backyard adventures. With a little imagination, and household materials, you can transform your boring backyard into an ultimate fun zone for kids.
#1 Go Long!
Keep your cool this summer by playing Sponge Football. Grab a sponge, dunk it in water and go long! It’s the perfect activity for a crew of kids so invite a few friends and split into teams and let the games begin.
#2 It’s a Three-Ring Circus
Thinking of sending your wild animals off to join the circus? Why not let them build one? Grab hoola-hoops to stage the attractions and let your child’s imagination run wild! Dress up as clowns, magicians or exotic animals.
#3 Confounding Contraptions
Chances are you have some gadgets laying around that don’t work. Grab a few screw drivers and pliers, and invite your child to dissect the machine. Not only will they learn about how it works, but it’ll keep them occupied for hours.
#4 Go Camping
Pitch the tent in the backyard, grab a few sleeping bags and let the adventure begin! Pretend you’re millions of miles away from the busy city, tell ghost stories and make S’mores. It’s all the fun of camping but with the convenience of indoor plumbing just steps away.
#5 Water Fight
Fill up the water soakers, balloons, buckets and whatever else you have handy, and declare a water fight. Not only will they burn off energy, but inadvertently, they’ll help water your garden.
#6 Blow Bubbles
Kids of every age are endlessly fascinated with chasing bubbles. Stock up on bubble solution or make your own with a simple mixture of 2 tablespoons of liquid dish soap to 1 cup of water.
#7 Green Thumb
Visit the local garden store and let your child pick out a plant pot and seeds. Sunflower seeds, poppy seeds, lavender seeds, or whatever else catches their eye. Kids love watching their little seeds grow!
#8 Four!
Take a look in your garage for stray items to construct a mini golf course – extra boards, bricks, pipe, empty cans, buckets or whatever else you find. No pint-sized golf clubs? No problem – use a plastic bat or the cardboard tubes from wrapping paper!
#9 Lawn Bowling
Hunt inside your recycling for aluminum cans and set them up on one end of the yard. Grab a large plastic ball and see if anyone can get a strike. The best part of lawn bowling: no gutter balls.
#10 Disco Dance Party
Load your iPod with favorite high energy tunes and hook it up to an outdoor stereo. Do you dare have a dance off? Break out the Mash-Potato, the Twist and learn a few new moves from your kids.
Tell us your favorite Backyard Adventures! What do you do to beat summer boredom?
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I totally love the sponge football idea! My kids would really go for that — especially on the hot Florida summer days that we have down here. 🙂 — Tara
I totally love the sponge football idea! My kids would really go for that — especially on the hot Florida summer days that we have down here. 🙂 — Tara