Do you hate numbers? You are not alone – many entrepreneurs do. Alycia Edgar on how to learn to love numbers (and get the financial fever)!
Author: Alycia Edgar
Caught in the outsourcing Catch 22? You need the help to grow the business, but you need to grow the business to hire the help? Alycia Edgar weighs in
Struggling to find enough time to work on your business? Alycia Edgar shares 10 ways to find extra time and boost productivity.
Cashflow, it can make or break your business. So what can you do to make sure it doesn’t break you? It comes down to simple math: incoming must be greater than outgoing or you run the risk of falling short on your monthly expenses. Too often mom entrepreneurs become focused on the fun aspects of their business and not the business of running their business like a business, meaning managing the money side of the business. How to keep the incoming cashflow coming IN! #1: Clear payment terms – If you don’t tell people when your invoices are due, they’ll…