Some of the comments and questions I receive from all over the world sometimes make me wonder if I’m the Sales Plumber instead of The Sales Diva!
Comments such as:
“My sales are plugged!”
“I feel blocked”
“Kim – my sales are stuck!”
Well lady – there’s a famous quote that applies to sales as well.
“A body in motion stays in motion.”
Is your sales pipeline plugged?
If your sales are plugged, slow or non-existent, it’s because of one word. Are you ready – it may HURT!
Your sales suck (and are stuck!) because you’re being inconsistent with:
follow-up with clients and prospects
all types of marketing that you’re avoiding
Did any of the above sting a little? I hope it did.
Because the “STOP. GO. STOP. GO. STOP” approach to your sales and marketing HAS to end, lady.
Remember –“a body in motion stays in motion.”
That is how MOMENTUM is created in business.
When you’re focused on consistently getting the word out to your prospects, clients, strategic alliances on a DAILY basis you will not believe what will start to happen.
New fabulous clients will pop out of the woodwork.
Strategic alliances will call out of the blue.
The media starts getting wind of you.
BIG opportunities you can’t imagine JUST SHOW UP.
Your bank account starts to blossom, not bleed.
Some bossy Sales Diva advice? Sit down and make a daily plan of at least 3 to 5 activities you need to do EVERY DAY that will grow your business.
So there.
Sign-Up for the 30 Day MOMentum Challenge: 30 Days to Build Unstoppable Momentum
Kim Duke, CEO of is an international sales expert for women in sales. Sign up for her sassy and savvy advice at and also receive her SMOKING HOT 30-page free report: The 5 Biggest Sales Mistakes Women Make.
Love this post! And the other thing about sales and marketing is that you have to do it online and off! So many business owners put all of their eggs in the online marketing basket and as we all know, this is never a good idea. You have to spread your message on the internet and in real life. Anyway, love this little kick in the pants to keep it moving and consistent! Thanks Kim!
Love this post! And the other thing about sales and marketing is that you have to do it online and off! So many business owners put all of their eggs in the online marketing basket and as we all know, this is never a good idea. You have to spread your message on the internet and in real life. Anyway, love this little kick in the pants to keep it moving and consistent! Thanks Kim!
Hi Kim, fantastic advice in a nutshell! I see these issues in sales all the time; and have been guilty of them myself too often :0
Hi Kim, fantastic advice in a nutshell! I see these issues in sales all the time; and have been guilty of them myself too often :0